Vulnerability Patching

Proactive Vulnerability Patching For Websites

Website vulnerabilities are weaknesses or misconfigurations of code that hackers can exploit to gain some level of control over a website or web application. Hackers use automation tools that are constantly searching for and finding these weaknesses and then performing different types of attacks once found. For these reasons, it’s imperative for any website owner to have a patch management solution in place that will find and patch known vulnerabilities before they lead to severe security issues. Stay ahead of exploits and prevent cyberattacks by finding, removing, and fixing vulnerabilities with SiteLock’s security patching tool.

Vulnerability Scanning and Protection Capabilities

Any business disruption can be damaging, especially website downtime. This can lead to traffic loss, revenue loss, and much more. With our remediation technology, you can rest easy knowing our tool works tirelessly to find issues discovered on your website and deploy fixes.

Database Remediation

For database driven websites including WordPress, Joomla!, and MySQL, SiteLock removes malware from popular tables that are susceptible to this type of security risk.

CMS Patching

CMS applications are popular and also susceptible to attacks. Our technology safely applies individual security patches assuring that the installation is as secure as the latest version of the CMS.

eCommerce Patching

Our same patching technology is utilized with the three leading eCommerce solutions, ensuring cybercriminals cannot take advantage of vulnerabilities in your online store.

Why Use SiteLock?

Our solution is designed to eliminate security vulnerabilities, allowing you to keep your website, your customers and your business safe.

Fast, Automated Protection

Remove malware and patch vulnerabilities that could harm your online business.

Stay in the Know

Always be informed about the security of your site with automated alert emails and from your SiteLock Dashboard.

Never Miss Updates

Your website vulnerability scanner automatically patches weaknesses in the core of your CMS. This functionality allows you to apply full version upgrades when convenient.

Peace of Mind

Protect your website with automated vulnerability patching and never worry about a compromise damaging your site, reputation or bottom line.

Compatible with all types of websites

We prevent millions of hacks per day
on these platforms and more


What is vulnerability patching?

A vulnerability involves any weakness that could potentially be exploited by attackers. Vulnerability patching aims to prevent or limit these weaknesses by placing strategic pieces of code known as patches. During the vulnerability patching process, extensive scans are completed to reveal key risks, which are then addressed by creating and deploying targeted patches.

Why is patching vulnerabilities important?

Vulnerabilities are inevitable. No matter how well website elements are designed, issues are bound to arise. When they do, it's important to have a systematic approach in place to discover and address these vulnerabilities before they lead to long-term problems. When implemented properly, vulnerability patches can prevent many types of attacks and, in turn, improve website performance while limiting downtime.

How often should you patch vulnerabilities?

Regular scanning and patching are essential, with vulnerabilities ideally addressed as soon as they are discovered. The longer vulnerabilities are left in place, the more susceptible your website will become to numerous types of exploits. At minimum, an automated vulnerability detection process should be undertaken on a daily basis. Multiple SiteLock plans also incorporate daily patching to ensure that vulnerabilities are addressed promptly.

Can patching be automated?

Vulnerability patching does not need to be a strictly manual process. Automated patching systems are available. These find and correct vulnerabilities throughout vast hosting infrastructures. This requires extensive file scanning, as well as code reviews to reveal which changes promise to resolve security issues. These, in turn, become patches, which can be distributed at scale. Newly created patches are automatically applied to all relevant versions of the application in question. From there, extensive testing must be completed to ensure that the patched application is still functional.

What are the pros of automated patching?

An automated approach to vulnerability patching streamlines a potentially frustrating and time-consuming process while delivering valuable peace of mind. This solution ensures a swift response as soon as vulnerabilities are discovered, as well as confidence that patching solutions will leave applications fully functional. Automated patching is also helpful in that it ensures you're able to complete full upgrades as you see fit.

What are the top vulnerabilities for websites?

Today's websites suffer many types of vulnerabilities. These often involve the central theme of outdated software, which can manifest in several problems. Among the most common vulnerabilities, misconfigurations grant attackers an alarming degree of leverage. Many websites also have unsecured application programming interfaces (APIs), which make it easy for attackers to gain access to sensitive data. Zero-day vulnerabilities are especially risky, as these are known to the attacker even as software vendors and businesses are unaware of them.

Reduce your website security risks

Get started with SiteLock today

Automatically protect your website, reputation and visitors against both common threats and advanced attacks.