Common TrueShield Firewall Errors
If your website is displaying a SiteLock error page similar to the one shown below, it will have a one or two digit code that you can reference below.
If your browser is giving a 400, 401, 403, 404 or 500 error without a SiteLock error page, please contact your hosting provider or server administrator for assistance. This is likely an issue with your server and not SiteLock related.
Error 8 - TCP Connection Rejected. The hosting provider needs to whitelist our firewall IP ranges listed at the bottom of this section.
Error 15 - Request blocked due to security settings. This is usually caused by the user making a change to a file that the firewall determines is a vulnerability or attack. Please contact us with either the SiteLock Incident ID or a screenshot of the page to get this resolved.
Error 16 - Request blocked due to access control. The firewall believes the user or action is a bot or caused by a bot. Please contact us with either the SiteLock Incident ID or a screenshot of the page to get this resolved.
Error 17 - Request blocked due to a blocked visitor. The IP, country or user agent was blocked in the firewall security settings. Double check your IP, country or user agent is not blocked in your settings. If they are not and you are still receiving this error, please contact us with either the SiteLock Incident ID or a screenshot of the page to get this resolved.
Error 18 - Request blocked due to detected DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service). Try again later after the DDoS attack is over.
Error 20 - TCP Timeout. Contact your hosting provider first to ensure your network resources are not being exhausted and there are no connection errors on your server. If it is determined it is not a server or network error, please contact us with either the SiteLock Incident ID or a screenshot of the page to get this resolved.
Error 22 - If your service was cancelled and your firewall settings were not reverted, you will get this error. Either reset your DNS settings to default or contact us for assistance.
Error 26 - SSL Connection Failed. Your website may not be configured properly to use your SSL. Please contact your hosting provider to fix this issue.
Error 29 - SSL is not supported. Your SSL was not verified with us. Please contact us with either the SiteLock Incident ID or a screenshot of the page to get this resolved. If you have a free firewall plan, you will need to purchase the plan that supports SSL
SiteLock Firewall IP Ranges
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