SiteLock protects your site against web threats, such as malware, DDoS, blacklisting, and spam. Our platform boosts performance with our content delivery network (CDN) and streamlines PCI compliance with an automated solution.
Comprehensive website security software protects you from malware, DDoS attacks, phishing scams, bad bots and other types of malicious code and cyber threats. This includes the protection of your site code and web applications.
SiteLock’s website protection plans vary based on the level of security needed. Some of our primary features include daily website scans to find threats, real-time notifications, automated malware removal, vulnerability/CMS patching to fix threats, a web application firewall to block and prevent harmful traffic before it ever reaches your site, a content delivery network (CDN) to accelerate your site speed (which can improve SEO) and a firewall PCI report to help eCommerce sites comply with banking institutions. Protect sensitive information and customer data with the following offerings.
Website Scanning
Our website security scan instantly checks your website from malware, viruses and other cyber threats and alerts you to found issues.
Malware Removal
Detects and automatically removes malicious content from your website, creating a safe experience for your customers and their sensitive information.
Vulnerability Patching
Easily check for website vulnerabilities in your CMS with our vulnerability scanner before they are exploited by hackers and cause disruption to the functionality of your site.
Website Backup
Securely backup your website to protect against ransomware, hardware corruption and human errors with our reliable backup solution.
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Powerful WAF security protects against advanced cyberthreats - including the top ten threats that could damage your site or blacklist it from search engines.
Content Delivery Network
SiteLock’s technology enables high volumes of website traffic with zero lag time, ensuring the best possible customer experience with no latency.
Reduce your website security risks
Automatically protect your website, reputation and visitors against both common threats and advanced attacks.